Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Reflections on 2013... Prepping for 2014!

As 2013 comes to a close, I find myself reflecting on my year in racing, and planning my schedule for the New Year.

My 2013 racing season began successfully as I PR'd at the 8K, 10K, 10 Mile, and Half Marathon distances. The season ended on a low, as I was disappointed in my performance in the 2013 Chicago Triathlon, as well as the 2013 Chicago Marathon.  

I did not successfully PR at these races (my real goals for the year), and I spent time beating myself over what went wrong:  Did I not train enough? Was I too cocky from my previous performances? Did I put too much pressure on myself?

(As you may have noticed, I neglected to post a race report form the Chicago Marathon, mostly due to my disappointment in the result. However, I can be proud of the fact I raised almost $1000 for the Anti-Cruelty Society.  Thank you supporters!)

After some reflection, I realized that circumstances outside of my control were at play (extreme heat during the Triathlon, and unusual stomach cramping during the Marathon), and I cannot let those unfortunate blips overshadow what was an amazing year for me.  I ran times that I have only dreamed about running again since high school in 2013 and I need to keep this momentum going to reach these goals in 2014!

Creating goals for the 2014 season has gotten me excited for the upcoming season, and reaffirmed my dedication to running and triathlons.

To hold myself accountable, my goals for 2014 are as follows (from least important to most important):
  • PR (again) at the Shamrock Shuffle 8K - This is my favorite race of the year, and I love competing in it!
  • Compete in an early season Sprint Triathlon (June-ish)  - I hope this will better prepare me for the Chicago Triathlon in August.
  • Break 4:00 hrs in a Marathon - I am capable of this.  My time in the Big Ten 10K proved I was strong enough to be well under this time.  I am in the lottery for the New York City marathon.  If I don't receive a lottery spot, I will race Chicago again (assuming I can register in time), or Detroit: my first marathon (and PR to date).
  • PR in the Chicago Triathlon - This is the real monkey on my back.  After my first year racing, I don't think I have performed to my potential (particularly in the run portion).  I have the strength and experience to break 3:00 hours.  I will this year.

Happy 2014!  I am looking forward to reaching all of these goals with you!

Stay tuned as I finalize my race schedule, and begin training for 2014!